Collaborator is an online portal that facilitates smoother working relationships by allowing trading partners to easily and securely share rebate or special pricing agreements (SPAs).
The transactions homepage displays a summary of recent transactions, as well as links to partner data and transaction import logs. Your trading partner can also give you access to import your own transactions via Collaborator, allowing your agreement earnings to be calculated based on your own transaction data.
How to access the transactions homepage
To navigate to the transactions homepage:
Step 1: Within Collaborator, under Your partners click on the partner you wish to view transactions for.
Step 2: Click on the Transactions tile. The Transactions homepage will now be displayed.
If you are unable to see this area, please reach out to our support team here.
If your trading partner has given you access to import your own transactions, you will see an Import transactions button at the top of the screen. Click here to learn how to import transactions.
Viewing transactions by month
Monthly transaction summaries are displayed for the latest 3 months. To display additional months, click on the Show more months below the oldest month displayed.
Use the currency code selector in the top right to filter based on the currency of the transactions.
Each month will display the following summary:
- Status icon: Displays a tick if all your transactions have been matched for the month, or an info icon if there are no transactions for the month.
- Month: The year and month the transaction row covers.
- Value: The total monetary value of transactions imported for this trading partner by your organization, across the given month.
- Transactions: The total number of transaction lines imported for this trading partner by your organization, across the given month.
- Latest transaction: The date of the latest transaction imported for this trading partner by your organization, as determined by the date of a transaction line within the imported transactions files.
- Download icon: Click the arrow icon at the right of the row to select the files you wish to download for the month. Click Download to save this file to your computer’s file area.
Partner data and transaction logs
Underneath the transaction summaries, two tiles are displayed:
- Partner data: Use this area to view the data for your trading partner, for example to check references to be used in a transaction import, or to check if an item such as a product exists in your trading partner’s data. Click here to learn about the partner data area.
- Transaction logs: Use this area to view a detailed log of previous transaction imports. Click here to learn about the transaction import logs.