Enable allows you to efficiently and profitably manage your special pricing agreements (SPAs) in a single repository, minimizing time spent on manual administration with key processes optimized.
This pathway of articles will guide you through:
- How to create a SPA
- Parties
- Details
- Distributor terms
- End-customer terms
- Branches
- Products
- Rebate interactions
Looking for something else?
- Want to make a change to an approved SPA? Click here to learn how to update an existing special pricing agreement.
- Alternatively, see our Help Center for more on SPAs.
SPAs are located in the Special pricing agreements app. If you are not already within this area (shown below), click here to learn how to navigate to special pricing agreements.
To create a new SPA in the Special pricing agreements app:
Step 1: Click on SPAs in the green banner at the top of the page
Step 2: Click on SPAs listing in the drop-down menu.
Step 3: Click on the Create SPA button at the bottom of the SPAs listing page.
You will be automatically navigated to a new SPA creation page displaying the Terms tab.
The Terms tab is where key details are populated including the parties involved in the agreement, calculation methods, and qualifying items for support.
The following guides will walk you through how to select and enter the Terms of your SPA, which are split into the below sections:
Throughout the Terms tab, where a field is mandatory, this is indicated by an asterisk * next to the field name, e.g. Currency*.
What’s next?
Learn how to add parties to a new special pricing agreement.